Leonardo DiCaprio only dates girls under 25 years old, is it normal?

It appears that none of the ghosts in Leonardo Dicaprio’s love history are over the age of 25, which has become a hotly debated topic on social media.

Leonardo DiCaprio only dates girls under 25 years old, is it normal? - Photo 1.

According to The Guardian, a large age difference in relationships is not a major issue, but it becomes unusual when a man regularly dates girls half his age. mine.

Age 25 is a significant age. This is when the prefrontal lobe, responsible for impulse control and decision-making, fully develops.

At the age of 25, we have reached maturity, and the brain’s development process is complete.

And you will no longer be able to date Leonardo DiCaprio because the 47-year-old actor rarely dates women over the age of 25.

Men frequently date women half their age.

However, Leonardo almost exclusively dated young girls under the age of 25, which sparked widespread interest and was even dubbed Leo’s Law.

Leonardo DiCaprio only dates girls under 25 years old, is it normal? - Photo 2.

A few years ago, a Reddit user created a chart with all of Leo’s lovers since 1999, and we can see that Leo’s age gradually increases over time, while the ages of his girlfriends fluctuate. He stood nearly motionless around the actor.

Leo’s recent breakup with his girlfriend of four years Camila Morone, which occurred just a few months after her 25th birthday, drew widespread attention and quickly became a hot topic of discussion on social media. Social networking website.

Many netizens said, “He will break up with girls when they reach 25.”

Meredith Dietz, a writer and comedian, tweeted, “The truth is that when young girls’ brains are perfect, they will all realize they don’t want to be with Leonardo DiCaprio anymore.”

Leo’s Law has become a humorous topic of debate, but when we take it seriously, we realize that a middle-aged man refuses to date mature women. It’s not normal at all.